Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:33
I believe all too often when we read verses like this with an instruction and what we will gain from it; we focus on what we will gain. (Let me just say I know I am guilty at times). We know that God meets all of our needs, but we quickly focus on more than just our needs. Before we realize it we are thinking about all of our wants and the list grows even longer.
To seek means: to look, search, strive for, going after, making an attempt, and the desire to obtain or achieve something. In this case someone - God. Matthew 7:7-8 tells us that if we seek we will find. We are able to find Him through prayer, praise, worship, and being in His Presence. When we think about the Kingdom of God we often think of the Kingdom of Heaven. This is the spiritual realm where God reigns as king. Doesn't He reign over the earth as well? Of course He does. Doesn't the Lord's Prayers say Thy Kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven? Definitely. So, I believe that the Kingdom of God is His will being influenced here on earth working through the Holy Spirit who resides in us.
There is no way we could be made righteous doing anything on our own. We are constantly trying to be obedient and need to exercise denying ourselves in order to fully submit to Him. In this life long journey we can only do our best to live in the right standing of God. God sees us as righteous because of Jesus dying on the cross. He no longer looks at our sin and sees us as clothed in the righteousness of Christ.
What are you really in need of today? I want you to take a moment before you answer. Try not to think about the things of this world that will only satisfy you temporarily. Yes, I went there too. Really think about it. Now that I have put some thought into it I need to seek God first. I need a close relationship with my Father. I need knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. I need His guidance, strength, peace, love, mercy and grace.
When we do our part and follow His instructions He will certainly do His part and give us what we need.