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Rooted In Christ


Let your roots grow down into Christ and draw up nourishment from him. See that you go on growing in the Lord, and become strong and vigorous in the truth. Colossians 2:7 (LB)

Thayer's Greek Lexicon describes being rooted as "to render firm, to fix, establish, cause a person or a thing to be thoroughly grounded." Being rooted in Christ is the only way we are able to keep growing in the Lord. I have seen people who were planted in a church but have never grown spiritually. Being rooted in Christ is a commitment to get to know Him personally and relying on Him to transform us spiritually. The more we get to know Christ the deeper our roots grow down drawing up the nourishment we need to have stability and continue to be strengthened by a very powerful source. When we are rooted in Christ we know we will receive all the proper nutrients that help and support our growth.

The truth that is in Jesus gives us the nourishment we need. This is why we should feed on every word of God. The truth transforms us so we continue to grow spiritually. God's word is the spiritual nourishment that gives us the desire to embrace change. Our faith increases, we develop better attitudes because our character is being built up. We learn to overcome adversity, and we no longer rely on our own strength. Instead, we put our hope and trust in God who releases His power through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

When we are thoroughly grounded and rooted in Christ we have the desire to be obedient. Taking the time to hear the word is great, but it is not enough. We must be doers of the word. This means putting it into practice on a daily basis throughout our day. Being obedient is not just talking about it, but making the right choice and doing it. We can say I am willing to be obedient, but if we don't act on it then we aren't really being obedient. We are simply talking about it.

Being rooted in Christ is the daily nourishment that will bring about change and yes, even some growing pains along the way. The good news is that this is how we become established in love and nothing can separate us from the love of God which is Christ Jesus our Lord. The desire to become Christlike becomes our way of life. The Holy Spirit works within us. It is by the power of the Holy Spirit that we are able to do what pleases God. As we continue to grow this is God's way of preparing us to be the light of the world. Go make God smile today and be a reflection of Christ.


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Well said! We all need to be more rooted and grounded in Christ. And they will know us by our fruits! We don’t have the fruits of the Spirit without being rooted in the nourishment of the Word 🙏🏽


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